——— FACE ———
After you share your brow likes, dislikes, and desires, we assess them from every angle before we expertly wax, trim, and tweeze to achieve their best shape $20
Removes hair from the base of the nose to just inside the rim $15
We wax the sides, middle (cupid’s bow), and corners of the mouth $15
Removes hair from the full exterior of the ear to just inside the opening of the ear canal $10
lip & brow
Combo wax $35
Ear & nose
Combo wax $25
Facial & Brow
Combo wax $50
Facial Wax
Hair is waxed from forehead, cheeks, sideburns, lip, chin, and just under the jawbone.
Does not include brows or nose $40
——— BODY ———
Hair is waxed from the entire armpit $30
Full leg
Four inches below the bikini line to the ankle $80
Full Arm
Shoulder to wrist $55
Partial Leg
From the knee to the ankle or from four inches below the bikini line to the knee $60
Partial Arm
From the wrist to the elbow or from the shoulder to the elbow $35
Full Back
From top of shoulders to top of underwear line (does not include upper arms) $70
Up to four inches around the sides and top of the panty line.
This will prevent any hairs from peeking out of a bikini $60
From the bottom of the neck to just below where pant line rests $60
Full Brazilian
Take it all off. We wax the front, sides, and between the cheeks for a smooth, seamless feel $80
Tummy Strip
Removes strip of hair underneath the belly button towards the bikini $15
Mini Brazilian
All hair is removed from the front and and up to 4 inches around the sides.
Excludes between the cheeks $70
Waxing Enhancement
A powerful and painless hair inhibiting enzyme that works as an alternative to laser. Apply immediately after waxing, and in as little as 5-15 treatments will leave you silky smooth. Works on all hair colors and skin colors. Can be added on to any waxing service. $25